Closterium rostratum. Notice colourless cell ends that are very much shorter than the green midregion. Back side of the cell in the form of a gradual arc.
Cell dimensions ( L x B): 345 x 27 µm

Cl. rostratum, detail of mid-region showing fine striation of cell wall.

Cl. rostratum, detail of cell end with slightly inflated apex.


Desmid of the Month
February 2025

Closterium rostratum

Closterium rostratum is affiliated to Cl. kuetzingii (desmid of September 2024) and Cl. setaceum (desmid of December 2006). Highest resemblance is with Cl. kuetzingii but compared with that species the colourless beak-like cell ends in relation to the green, inflated midregion are shorter. Moreover, the backside of the cell forms a gradual arc whereas in Cl. kuetzingii there is a bend in the outline between midregion and cell ends. In the Netherlands, Cl. rostratum is of incidental occurrence in various mesotrophic water bodies.

An empty cell of Cl. rostratum brownish coloured by iron compounds.