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Detailed guide to desmid algae



Desmids are green microalgae that play an important role in aquatic ecosystems.

They are used in the assessment of water quality. KNNV Publishing now presents a new guide for identification and classify­cation of these important organisms. This book is an invaluable tool for professionals in nature conservation and water quality management.



Book Reviews of

Desmids of the Lowlands:

  1. Katharine M. Evans (pdf)

  2. Elizabeth Y. Haworth (pdf)


Desmids are an ecologically diverse group of green microalgae. Their cells show a beautiful symmetry, which distinguishes them from all other algal groups. Like many other algal species, desmids are important indicators of water quality. Their occurrence provides information on environmental conditions such as pH, conductivity and trophic state of a water body.


Using desmid species in environmental studies calls for reliable identification. KNNV Publishing now presents a comprehensive guide that addresses this need: Desmids of the Lowlands – Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands. This helpful and detailed guide aims to represent all desmid taxa known from the Netherlands and adjacent lowland areas. Practical identification keys and illustrations are complemented with useful information on classification, morphology and reproduction, and ecology and distribution. The guide covers over 500 species and more than 150 additional varieties. Since most species are cosmopolitan, it may also be of use outside of this geographical region.


Desmids of the Lowlands includes a CD-rom, which offers general information on desmid biology as well as a selection of species that are discussed in more detail. Ecological data, both on separate species and desmid communities, enable a characterisation of sampled habitats. A digital calculation method for the assessment of desmid-related conservation value is also included.


This book is the third in a specialised series of identification guides published by KNNV Publishing. Due to their unique and practical focus on ecologically important groups of organisms, these guides have gained wide recognition among professionals in the field of nature conservation and water quality management.


Desmids of the Lowlands

Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands

Authors : Peter Coesèl and Koos Meesters
Publisher : KNNV Publishing, The Netherlands
Technical details : 352 pages, 16,5 x 24 cm, hardback, plates with b/w drawings
ISBN : 978 90 5011 265 9
Price : € 89,95
Extra : includes a CD-rom with extra information



How to order?

Please contact KNNV Publishing, P.O. Box 310, NL 3700 AH  Zeist, tel. + 31 (0) 30 233 35 44,

fax: + 31 (0) 30 236 89 07, e-mail: info@knnvuitgeverij.nl or via www.knnvpublishing.nl