In 2004 verschenen desmid publicaties
- Coesel, P.F.M., 2004. Bijzondere sieralgvondsten in ‘De Wieden’ (in Dutch, with summary in English). — Gorteria 30: 1-6.
Records (including illustrations) of some rare taxa from the Netherlands, among which Cosmarium striolatum, Actinotaenium spinospermum (with zygospores) and A. phymatosporum (with zygospores).
- Coesel, P.F.M., 2004. Cosmocladium saxonicum De Bary: recente vondst van een interessante, zelden waargenomen sieralgsoort (in Dutch, with summary in English). — Gorteria 30: 210-212.
Record of Cosmocladium saxonicum from the Netherlands, including observations on the influence of formaldehyde on the intercellular connection strands.
- Coesel, P.F.M., 2004. Some new and otherwise interesting desmid species from Kakadu National Park (Northern Australia). — Quekett Journal of Microscopy 39: 779-782.
Description of some new taxa, among which a characteristically shaped Cosmarium species from a pristine gorge area in Kakadu Park.
- Coesel, P.F.M. & J. Meesters, 2004. Cosmarium woloszynskae spec. nova, a glacial desmid taxon recovered. — Algological Studies 112: 17-23.
Description of a new, small-sized, smooth-walled Cosmarium species (including SEM photos) from a wet dune area in the Netherlands.
- Dingley, M., 2004. Some new, rare and interesting desmids from Australia. — Algological Studies 112: 25-47.
Discussion on 34 desmid taxa being new or rare in Australia., including drawings and SEM photos.
- Fumanti, B. & S. Alfinito, 2004. Brachytheca inopinata (Desmidiaceae, Zygnematophyceae), a new desmid from New Zealand. — Phycologia 43: 455-458.
Description of a new species of the recently described genus Brachytheca which is characterized by cylindric cells (without any trace of a sinus) and tentatively classed as a desmid (although no conjugation observed). With drawings, LM and SEM photos.
- Kanetsuna, Y., 2004. New and interesting desmids (Zygnematales, Chlorophyceae) collected from Brazil and Argentina. — Phycological Research 52: 160-167.
Description (with drawings and LM photos) of some 9 new or recombined infraspecific desmid taxa from Brazil and Argentina.
- Kukk, E. & G. Hallfors, 2004. Cosmarium taxillus (Desmidiaceae) in Finnish Lapland. — Annales Botanici Fennici 41: 47-51.
Description, with LM photos, of a new find of a remarkable desmid species (though, the correct name of which has appeared to be ‘Cosmarium platyistmum Archer 1880’; see G.S. West, 1908, Linn. Soc. Journ. Bot 38, p. 286-287).
- Novakova, S., P.L. Walne & T. Kalina, 2004. Contribution to the desmid flora of the Southern Appalachian Mountains (USA). — Algological Studies 112: 95-104.
Floristic contribution to the knowledge of the North American desmid flora, with some drawings and LM photos.
- Sophia, M.G., B.P. Carbo & V.L.M. Huszar, 2004. Desmids of phytotelm terrestrial bromeliads from the National Park of ‘Restinga de Jurubatiba’, Southeast Brasil. — Algological Studies 114: 99-119.
Floristic account (with drawings) of 12 (predominantly cosmopolitan) desmid species - belonging to 8 different genera - encountered in the hearts of terrestrial Bromelia plants.
- Tell, G. & A. Couté, 2004. Staurastrum levanderi Grönblad (Desmidiaceae, Chlorophyceae) complex: taxonomic revision by use of clustering analysis. — Cryptogamie, Algologie 25: 133-146.
The affiliation between Staurastrum levanderi and some 10 other morphologically resembling taxa is calculated by means of cluster analysis performed on morphological and biogeographical data from 19 characters, resulting into taxonomic recombinations.
- Wayda, M., 2004. Changes in species composition of desmids in the ‘Bloto’ peat bog (the Niepolomice Forest) from 1954-2001. — Acta Societas Botanicorum Poloniae 73: 239-246.
Description of changes (mainly impoverishment) of the desmid flora of a Polish peat bog, caused by draining and eutrophication.
- Williamson, D.B., 2004. Some desmids from southern Chile. — Algological Studies 112: 105-121.
Floristic account (with accurate drawings) of 62 desmid taxa sampled in Chile. A number of taxa are discussed taxonomically and biogeographically in more detail.
- Williamson, D.B., 2004. Some desmids from the Rawa Aopa National Park, south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. — Algological Studies 114: 85-97.
Floristic account (with accurate drawings) of 46 desmid taxa sampled in Sulawesi. Most of the taxa are of a cosmopolitan nature. A number of taxa are discussed taxonomically and biogeographically in more detail.