Size (L x B):
ca. 70 x 10 µm



Desmid of the month
December 2002

Tortitaenia closterioides*

Identification of the herewith reproduced desmid alga to the genus Tortitaenia Brook 1998 is only possible when studied in live condition, for it should be based on chloroplast configuration and the possible presence of a red (carotenoid) pigment. The species in question owes its epitheton to a superficial resemblance to some Closterium species. It was only recently described from a series of moorland pools near the Dutch village of Oisterwijk where is was encountered rather abundantly for the last couple of years (Coesel 2002). Possibly, in former years it was erroneously labeled Closterium cornu or Closterium navicula. Not even it is to be excluded that given zygospore illustrations of last-mentioned species actually refer to T. closterioides (see, e.g., Ruzicka 1977, t. 6: 11).

* In 2007, this species was renamed Closterium tortitaenioides.


  • Brook, A.J., 1998. Tortitaenia nom.nov. pro Polytaenia Brook, a name of a genus of saccoderm desmids - Quekett J. Microscopy 38: 146.
  • Coesel, P.F.M., 2002. New, intriguing desmid taxa from The Netherlands. - Algol. Studies 104: 69-79.
  • Ruzicka, J., 1977. Die Desmidiaceen Mitteleuropas. Band 1, Lief. 1. - E.Schweizerbart, Stuttgart


Coesel, P.F.M., 2007. Taxonomic notes on Dutch desmids IV. - Syst.
Geogr. Pl. 77: 5-14.