Triradiate cell of S. hystrix in frontal view.

Cell dimensions (L x B, exclusive of spines): ca 25 x 20 µm



Desmid of the month
June 2010

Staurastrum hystrix

S. hystrix belongs to a group of Staurastra characterized by marked cell wall spines. In S. hystrix those spines are not equally distributed over the cell wall but confined to the end of the semicell lobes. Also characteristic of this species are the shape of the semicells (about oblong in frontal view) and the open, acute-angled sinus. Cells are 3- or 4-radiate (to be checked in top view!). In the Netherlands S. hystrix is of occasional occurrence in acidic, oligotrophic bogs and moorland pools.




Quadriradiate cell of S. hystrix in frontal view.

Quadriradiate cell of S. hystrix in apical view.

Triradiate cell of S. hystrix in apical view. Notice that the spines are confined to the end of the semicell lobes.