Cell of Staurastrum brevispina. Notice 3-radiate configuration,  elliptic outline of semicells and smooth cell wall.

Cell dimensions (L x B): 43 x 37 µm



Desmid of the month
April 2015

Staurastrum brevispina

Staurastrum brevispina* is characterized by 3-radiate, smooth-walled cells. Semicells are elliptic-oval to somewhat trapeziform or semicircular in outline and the lateral sides are provided with a papilla. In apical view, cells have concave sides and broadly rounded angles furnished with a papilla. In the Netherlands, St. brevispina is occasionally encountered in various kinds of mesotrophic water bodies, particularly in Holocene peat pits and fen hollows.

* Synonym: Staurodesmus brevispina

Cell of Staurastrum brevispina (var. boldtii) in frontal view well showing papillae on the lateral sides of the semicels. Notice also chloroplast with a single central pyrenoid.

Cell of Staurastrum brevispina in apical view. Notice concave sides and broadly rounded angles furnished with a papilla.




Another cell of Staurastrum brevispina with a bright green chloroplast and prominent papillae.

SEM image of S. brevispina