@ Henk Schulp
Cell size
(L x B): ca. 30 x 30 µm
Desmid of the month
January 2003
S. brachiatum is a striking desmid species. Its characteristic
cell shape is mainly determined by its prominent processes. Presumably
as those processes somewhat remind of the joystick of a computer . our
webmaster selected S. brachiatum as a symbol to navigate back
to the homepage of our website!

Image: @ Henk Schulp
Chain of four cells of Staurastrum brachiatum
The species under discussion
is characteristic of an acidic, oligotrophic environment. Probably as
a result of atmospheric pollution, in the Netherlands
S. brachiatum has become a rare taxon in the course of the last decades, reason to place
it on the Red List of threatened species. Happily, in recent years it
is encountered more frequently again, possibly due to an improved quality
of precipitation.
Cells of
S. brachiatum tend to stick to each other after cell division
so that couples or even chains may be formed (see also the website
of Desmids).