Image © Henk
of Pleurotaenium trabecula showing smooth-walled semicells provided
with parietal chloroplast bands that contain many globose pyrenoids.
dimensions (L x B): ca 370 x 35 µm
The genus Pleurotaenium is characterized by elongate cylindric cells (circular in top view) which usually are but slightly constricted in the middle (so with a shallow sinus). The chloroplast is in the form of longitudinal, parietal bands, leaving space to a big, globular vacuole at the cell apex.
In the Netherlands, by far the most common species is Pleurotaenium trabecula, to be encountered in various kinds of meso-eutrophic water bodies, ranging from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Pl. trabecula is marked by a completely smooth cell wall and by semicells that use to be a bit swollen in the midregion.
© Wim van Egmond
Detail of young semicells of a recently divided mother cell exhibiting big terminal vacuoles and crumpled parts of stripped-off primary cell walls (see webpage ‘Shedding of the primary cell wall’).
Image © André Vanhoof
Zygospore of Pleurotaenium trabecula. Found in fen area 'Buitengoor' (Mol, Belgium), summer 2014.