Micrasterias apiculata as recently encountered in a mesotrophic Dutch quivering fen.

Cell dimensions (L x B): ca 250 x 225 µm



Desmid of the month
ebruary 2004

Micrasterias apiculata

M. apiculata  resembles M. fimbriata  but differs in a denser and more pronounced pattern of cell wall spines. In particular the presence of an elevated, star-like, supraisthmial group of spines is most characteristic. In the Netherlands M. apiculata was reported by Prof. J. Heimans from a number of Pleistocene pools, in the first decades of the last century. Any later record was wanting until recently when it was encountered in a small, mesotrophic, quivering fen, next to some ten other Micrasterias species (Coesel, 2004).

Detail of cell showing the species-characteristic, supraisthmial group of spines.


Another cell of Micrasterias apiculata well shownig the pattern of small cell wall spines.






Coesel, P., 2004. Bijzondere sieralgvondsten in ‘De Wieden’ (with abstract in English). — Gorteria (in press).