Euastrum pulchellum. Notice semicells that can visually be divided into a more or less rectangular basal part and a likewise rectangular apical part.

Cell dimensions (L x B): 35 x 28 µm

Empty cell of Eu. pulchellum showing cell wall granulation.



Desmid of the month
November 2019

Euastrum pulchellum

Euastrum pulchellum resembles Eu. bidentatum but cells are smaller. In addition to that, semicells of Eu. pulchellum can be visually divided into a more or less rectangular basal part and a likewise rectangular apical part whereas semicells in Eu. bidentatum more gradually attenuate from base to apex.Moreover, cell apices in Eu. pulchellum are more truncate (less domed) than in Eu. bidentatum.
Central cell wall ornamentation usually consists of some three verrucae positioned in a triangle, the upper one on either side being joined by a rather deep pit. In the Netherlands, Eu. pulchellum in some regions is of rather common occurrence in mesotrophic fen hollows, but elswhere rare.

SEM picture of Eu. pulchellum showing a central cell wall ornamentation consisting of three verrucae, the upper one joined by two large pits.