Cell of Cosmarium taxichondriforme. Notice almost circular outline and deep, undulate sinus.

Cell dimensions (L x B): 43 x 44 µm



Desmid of the month
November 2016

Cosmarium taxichondriforme

C. taxichondriforme is marked by a smooth, finely punctate cell wall that is often slightly thickened at the basal semicell angles. Cells are almost circular in outline and the deep sinus is usually distinctly undulate. In the Netherlands, Cosmarium taxichondriforme is a rather rare species of slightly acidic, mesotrophic water bodies, in particular quaking bog hollows.

Another cell of C. taxichondriforme. Notice chloroplasts with a single pyrenoid.


Dead, empty cell of C. taxichondriforme. Notice finely punctate cell wall and thickening of the wall at the basal angles.


SEM picture of C. taxichondriforme
Image ©Jan Šťastný

SEM picture of C. taxichondriforme