Cosmarium scenedesmus. Notice smooth-walled cell that is about as long as broad and semicells that are ellipsoid in outline.
Cell dimensions (L x B): 42 x 40 µm


Desmid of the Month
August 2024

Cosmarium scenedesmus*

C. scenedesmus is a medium-sized, smooth-walled Cosmarium. Cells are about as long as broad and semicells are ellipsoid in outline resulting in a cell sinus that is closed to about half-way. Also in apical view semicells are elliptic without any median protuberance. In the Netherlands, C. scenedesmus is of occasional occurrence in various mesotrophic water bodies.

*C. scenedesmus Delponte 1877 is better known under the name of C. depressum (Nägeli) Lundell 1871 which latter name, however, should be considered an illegitimate synonym.

Another cell of C. scenedesmus in frontal view.

Cell of C. scenedesmus in apical view. Notice elliptic outline.