Desmid of the month
November 2008
Cosmarium reniforme
As its name already indicates, Cosmarium
reniforme is characterized by kidney-shaped semicells. The cell wall is
beset with coarse granules, arranged in regular, longitudinal rows. Remarkably,
contrary to the vegetative cells, zygospores of C. reniforme are
perfectly smooth-walled. C. reniforme is a common species with a wide
ecological range occurring in both mesotrophic, acidic and eutrophic, alkaline
water bodies. It may even be encountered in slightly brackish water.
Zygospores, however, are rare. |

Image © Henk Schulp
Cosmarium reniforme, marked by kidney-shaped semicells and coarse granulation.
Cell dimensions (L x B): ca 60 x 50 µm |