Cosmarium neocrenatum. Notice oblong cell outline with deep, marginal crenations and relatively broad isthmus.
Cell dimensions ( L x B): ca 30 x 23 µm

Empty cell of C. neocrenatum. Notice supraisthmial costae.

SEM picture of C. neocrenatum showing cell wall sculpturing in detail.


Desmid of the Month
December 2024

Cosmarium neocrenatum*

C. neocrenatum, belonging to the large group of granulate-crenulate Cosmaria, is characterized by cells that are about oblong in outline with a relatively broad isthmus. Semicells are marked by some 10-12 deep, marginal crenations and just above the isthmus by a broad inflation furnished with 4-6 short, longitudinal cell wall costae, often in combination with some isolated granules. In the Netherlands, C. neocrenatum is of incidental occurrence on wet substrates and in shallow, mesotrophic fen hollows.

* Usually identified as C. crenatum Ralfs

Another cell of C. neocrenatum in frontal view (loaded with starch storage).

Same cell of C. neocrenatum in lateral view. Notice basal semicell inflation.