Closterium kuetzingii. Notice colourless, bended cell ends each of which is less long than the green midregion of the cell.
Cell dimensions (L x B): 440 x 17 µm


Desmid of the Month
September 2024

Closterium kuetzingii

Closterium kuetzingii should be compared with Closterium setaceum (desmid of December 2006). Cells of both species are marked by extended, colourless, beak-like ends. However, whereas the colourless ends in Cl. setaceum are longer than the green, inflated midregion of the cell, those in Cl. setaceum are distinctly shorter. The affiliation between the two species is supported by their characteristic zygospore: rectangular with concave sides, the empty gametangial cells being solidly attached to its truncate angles. In the Netherlands, Closterium kuetzingii is of rather common occurrence in various mesotrophic water bodies. Zygospores are occasionally encountered.

Cell of Cl. kuetzingii, detail of midregion showing that its wall is finely striate.

Zygospore of Closterium kuetzingii. Notice rectangular spore with empty gametangium cells attached to its broadly truncate angles.