Desmid of the month
March 2005
Most Closterium species are characterized by arched cells. A relevant diagnostic feature
in species identification is found in the appearance of a possible cell
wall sculpturing. The cell wall of Closterium costatum is distinctly
striate. Whereas in most striate Closterium species striation is
fine and close, in Closterium costatum the striae are mutually
far apart and rib-like (costate).
In the Netherlands Closterium costatum is of occasional occurrence in slightly acidic,
mesotrophic fen hollows and moorland pools.
mouse-over image
© Wim van Egmond
cell of Closterium costatum (because of the somewhat unusual,
thick-set cell shape it might be assigned var. subcostatum, see
Ruzicka’s 1971 flora). Cell wall striation is well visible, particularly
in close-up (mouse-over).
Cell dimensions (L x B): ca 300 x 50 µm